Daily Forecast Aries 07-10


Aries Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Your mind will have a tendency to wander backwards today — you’re suddenly curious about what people from your past are up to. Pick one person and follow the trail. Search for their name online and if you find them, shoot them an email! You’ll add some fun energy to their day and you might even rekindle something you thought had died out years ago. Just remember that when you communicate with them, you can’t necessarily expect a reply — at least not right away.

Singles Lovescope

As far as you’re concerned, everyone else has what you want. If only you worked harder, you could get there. So not true. Remember, nothing is ever as wonderful as it appears on the surface. Follow your own cadence, and forget about the Joneses.

Couple Lovescope

You have some difficult decisions to make in the next few days and, as a result, you may be feeling preoccupied. You can count on your partner to be supportive while you work things out.


Not everything is out of your hands, although it sometimes feels that way. You’re too intelligent to be down and out. Down, yes, but certainly not for the count. You won’t reach the extremes of old anytime soon, but you have no doubt that your numbers are on the mend. Your confidence alone is worth more than gold.



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