Aries Daily Forecast

You may need to do some impromptu counseling this afternoon, so prepare yourself. The heavens have arranged for a good dose of jealousy to circulate around you, so if you’re not directly involved in the fray, consider helping whoever is, especially if it’s obvious they need it. Not everyone has a doctorate in relationships like you clearly do, and now’s the time to put your studies to work.
Rein in that assertiveness today. Now is not a good time to make the first move. Give the other person control of the situation. If nothing comes to fruition, it wasn’t meant to be. Move onto something else. Better safe than sorry.
Your aesthetic sense is a gift you can share. Offer to help your partner set up their office or other personal space. Seeing your influence when they look around will bring a smile to their face.
Staying on the fence will make your whole house of cards come crashing down on top of you. Decisive action is your only real hope for stability. Don’t waste a minute stuck in indecision. It almost doesn’t matter what choice of action you take, as long as you take it.