Daily Forecast Aries 07-19


Aries Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

This is not a good time to throw your money around indiscriminately, so avoid making any impulse buys. Even if you recently came into some money, you’d be better off holding on to it. If it feels like it’s burning a hole in your pocket, just let it keep burning away. Too much uncertainty is coming your way in the near future. If you have to make an unavoidable purchase right now, you should at least save the receipt just in case you need to return it later.

Singles Lovescope

If you’ve got big plans tonight, work out a definite transition, maybe a workout, walk, or quick nap. You definitely need downtime. If you’re just not feeling it, it’s your prerogative to postpone.

Couple Lovescope

Still crazy about each other after all these years (months, week, or days)? Good for you! Now’s a great time to express your feelings. Be original. Flowers are nice, but an interpretive dance is hilarious and sweet.


Feeling especially cautious is a good thing. Your instincts are right on the money, so be sure to be careful in all your business dealings today. The temptation to be reckless is there but fleeting.



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