Aries Daily Forecast
Habits rhymes with rabbits, and maybe that’s because both reproduce themselves like mad. So if you’ve got any not-so-terrific habits (and everybody does), why not make a real effort to stop the cycle? Today is a good day to free yourself of an ongoing, self-defeating habit or two, and you’ll be amazed by how much more smoothly things go once the bad habit is under control and out of the way. Good luck!
Safety is your main concern right now. Everyone’s potentially vulnerable to identity theft and larceny. Always carry your phone and never give out too much info. If it’s a physical thing, hook up at a neutral location. It’s much better than your apartment.
Get together with your partner and talk things over. You may need to spend a little extra time because your feelings are both complex and close to the surface. It’s a good time to speak from the heart.
You don’t need a makeover. Do something valuable for yourself, and one that doesn’t cost a penny. Rediscover who you really are and what you really want.