Daily Forecast Aries 08-15


Aries Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

A love poem will turn anyone’s head today, so if you have been working up the courage to make your move on a certain someone, today is the day to do it! Get creative and think outside the box with how you approach the situation. Writing a love letter, or better yet, a love song, will get you noticed and show them that you are not like everyone else. Your extra effort and refreshing creativity are more flattering than any trite come-on or hollow gesture.

Singles Lovescope

Swapping stories with other singles is always fun, but make sure it doesn’t wind up becoming an endless litany of complaints. That’s where madness (and irritation) lies. No one’s life is perfect even if it seems that way.

Couple Lovescope

Speaking out helps to lift your spirits. Something inside you needs to be expressed. Want a little astrological advice? Discuss an important issue, talk with your partner, or belt out your favorite tune in the car.


You’ve put a lot of energy into hoping for a certain number and you finally get to find out if you are on the money. Let finding out for sure be the incentive you need to take the initiative early in the day. The sooner you start, the sooner you discover the truth.



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