Daily Forecast Aries 08-16


Aries Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Every time something ends, there is a beginning too, a germ of a new idea or a hint of a potential new direction. Just because you said goodbye to something doesn’t mean it can’t still inspire or affect your future. Take the lessons you’ve learned and apply them to your newest relationship. Your latest health concern should be addressed either with a change in your routine or visit to a professional. Take care of yourself!

Singles Lovescope

It’s easy to want to follow your heart, but yours may not be offering any clear direction just now. Tune into your inner voice, starting with some quiet time alone to relax, daydream, and think.

Couple Lovescope

Your partner admires your poise, especially when you two are dealing with touchy family members or co-workers. Somehow you know how to put someone in their place and be gracious. That’s quite a gift.


You haven’t tightened your belt quite enough. You need further cut backs. Out of ideas? Start listing all the ways you get your needs met by others. Most of them are things you can do for yourself. Get to work.



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