Daily Forecast Aries 08-25


Aries Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

If you’re in the mood to shop around for a new job, get out there with your resume and have a look at the options. The chances are great that you’ll find exactly what you want and more. So instead of just taking what you’re offered, feel free to do some serious negotiating over salary and benefits. The universe is in an extremely generous mood. Take advantage of it.

Singles Lovescope

Remember that relationship issues affect everyone around you. Even though your single lifestyle isn’t cluttered with head games, you can still lend an ear to your people when they need to bounce their problems off of you.

Couple Lovescope

If the two of you have mingled finances of any variety, you’ll want to pay extra attention to them now. Is everything adding up? Are you both sure of the fine print? Go over it again just to be certain.


The work you need to tackle requires you to be more calculating than you’re used to. You’re up for the task, though. Your first step should be to probe into the dark areas. Don’t waste time sharpening pencils.



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