Aries Daily Forecast
A lot of changes are coming soon, so this is a day to take another long look at what you’ve got going on now and appreciate it! Living in the moment is a difficult thing to do at this time, but you’d be cheating yourself big time if you didn’t at least take an hour out of your day to reflect on your life and thank yourself for making the choices and the effort it took to get you where you are now.
Emails have been done. Text messages are so yesterday. Your challenge is to deliver your thoughts in a new way. Perhaps a cookie bouquet or handmade invitation to your upcoming party?
There are lots of occasions (birthdays, anniversaries, promotions) to take your partner out to eat. Today, why not take them out for no reason at all?
Being tired is normal, but being exhausted is a bad sign. You’re ready for a break, whether your job is ready or not. Even a power nap can rejuvenate you enough to face the day. Without a rest, money seeps away with the rest of your energy.