Aries Daily Forecast

Making an attempt at something new – even if you fail at it – is very important for you right now. Trying is what teaches you the most, far more than succeeding, actually. Don’t get caught up in looking good. The sooner you get comfortable with making a fool of yourself, the more you’ll learn throughout life. If your daily routine is all about winning recognition, you need to make some adjustments. You won’t grow if you never take a risk.
Your love life? Forget about it. You can’t even think straight today. In fact, getting out of the house in one piece will be a challenge, let alone finding the love of your life. Focus on the essentials for now. When everything calms down, you can fire up that search again.
Money isn’t everything, and if you two have been doing more impulse buying lately, you’ll soon discover other ways to have fun. A short list of some activities that are free? How about kissing, hugging, and flirting?
Your emotional nature is in charge today, and it’s making you fearful. The desire to analyze the unseen is as old as humanity. The power of the almighty dollar is not all that protects you, if that’s any comfort.