Aries Daily Forecast
You bake cookies when people come over. You cook soup and take it to them when they’re sick. You always have extra bandages in your medicine cabinet. You like to take care of the people you love and anybody else you see who’s in pain too. But now maybe somebody wants to take care of you for a change. Why don’t you let them? It will be a nice role reversal for both of you.
If that love connection totally absorbs your attention, you could be in for social disaster. For now, stay focused on your responsibilities and your friends. You’ll have plenty of time for romance soon.
Beauty is more than skin deep. Your love and loyalty are as big a turn-on to your partner as your winning smile. Let your personality be your most alluring feature.
Be just as conscientious with other people’s money as you would be with your own. If you wouldn’t take a risk with your own nest egg, then don’t gamble with anyone else’s, either. The points you’ll get in karma compound daily.