Aries Daily Forecast

You’d like nothing better now than to charge off after the one you’re wildly attracted to, completely forgetting about anyone and anything else. And your perpetually keen instinct is telling you they’d absolutely adore it if you did. Unfortunately, you’re attached at the moment, and they may be too. Until that changes, hibernate and bide your time. You can do it (wait, that is), but you’ll certainly have your work cut out for you.
Listen to your people talk about their past if you want to learn a thing or two about your present-day love life. Trends and fashion have changed over the years, but people’s desire for love is constant, so pay attention.
You’re going to be feeling pretty heavy emotional weirdness for much of the day and your partner may or may not be able to help you cope. It should pass soon, so don’t worry about the future.
You’re tempted to jump into a project without enough facts to make a rational decision. This isn’t the type of situation where being bold and impulsive is healthy for your wallet. Relax, take a breath and do your research first.