Daily Forecast Aries 10-22


Aries Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Those who have power over you right now aren’t very intellectually curious, which is a bit of a disappointment. It looks like if they get their way, things are going to be boring and predictable. But they’re more open-minded to suggestion than you might think, so why not offer up a few of yours? Step up and you might be able to take over. It will be easy for you to stir up the other active people who have been waiting for someone like you to inspire them.

Singles Lovescope

This new person puzzles you. They don’t seem to get the point of your witty quips. Don’t be too quick to dismiss them. They might be nervous or have a very different sense of humor. Give it time.

Couple Lovescope

Love who you are. It’s tempting to assume a different persona, even when you’re in a relationship (sometimes especially then). Your natural self, however, is far more irresistible than anything else you could put on.


No plans on your calendar, penciled in or otherwise? Go ahead, do something spontaneous. As long as it doesn’t involve your wallet, tap into as much enthusiasm as you can muster.



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