Aries Daily Forecast

There are many changes happening in and around you right now, because this is a strong period of growth and understanding for you. New facts should start leading you to revise your conclusions about someone’s recent behavior, and an apology might be in order. Now is the time to act on what you think you should do and not be paralyzed by overanalyzing things. If you want things to keep moving forward, you have to keep moving forward.
Something is weighing much more heavily on your heart today — or it could be that you’re thinking more seriously about something or someone romantically. A close friend should be able to help you sort through it.
You two have crossed wires, but not to worry. This provides a pathway for a new connection for you. When you discover what was at the root of the misunderstanding, your bond will be stronger than ever.
You have more on your mind than romance, but romance is slowly taking up a majority of your thoughts. It’s not quite the weekend yet, so remind yourself that it’s still time for business.