Aries Daily Forecast

You’re just about to take flight — in nearly every possible aspect of your life, but especially in affairs of the heart. If you’ve been dating someone casually, things should shake up right away. One or both of you is sure to either want to make a commitment or say your (graceful) goodbyes — but don’t worry. Your life is full of romance over the long run, and betting on anything other than commitment just isn’t prudent.
Today, your career should come first. Hunker down for a long day at work. Avoid the temptation to blow off work for fun. A little sacrifice now will pay huge dividends later.
Be generous with your affections today. Let your partner know by your words and actions how much you care. A call in the morning will lift their mood for the rest of the day.
If you’re waiting for sparks to fly, you’ll be waiting a long time. Enjoy an intellectual connection for what it is and don’t expect anything more. Once the infatuation fades you’ll be happy you didn’t spend a small fortune on it.