Aries Daily Forecast

Why not do something that raises a few eyebrows today? You’ve got the creativity required to throw people for a loop, so why not use it? Shocking people or breaking the rules is a good thing to do right now, especially if you can gain an advantage over other people in the process. Take a little bit of a selfish perspective today, and do something that benefits you and you alone. Just make sure you don’t make anybody angry at you!
Power struggles always have a nasty habit of showing up at the worst possible times. Keep in check your desire for domination over all those around you. Control freaks are anything but sexy.
Take the lead on a new home project and you’ll have more fun than you imagined. Be confident, not bossy.
It’s the kind of day that can be ruined by high emotions. On the other hand, it’s the kind of day that calls for them. You’re mature enough to know just how to hold the reins — not too tightly and not too loosely, either.