Aries Daily Forecast

In your mind, secrets are good for only one thing: uncovering. You enjoy uncovering them most especially if the truth you bring to the surface by the revelation brings about a big, positive change to the course of events currently unfolding, and if that course is currently taking a distinctly underhanded path. At the moment, that’s what’s going on, and whether or not you happen to be directly involved in the situation means absolutely nothing to you.
Everything you see today offers a deeper meaning and possibility, even if you’re just interacting with people and performing tasks that are no different from any other day. Dig deep to find the connections behind it all.
Talk about sexy! If the stars have anything to say about it, you’ve really got it going on right about now. It’s also easy to find the right words to express your feelings. Your partner’s a lucky one!
If you’ve been wondering when, the time has come. Discard the extra investments, hold a yard sale, anything to dig up some extra cash. There is no such thing as going overboard.