Cancer Daily Forecast
Keep your agenda hidden today, because there are a couple of people around you who would try to change your mind if they knew what you were really up to! Sure, they’re just trying to help you out and steer you straight, but they aren’t the boss of you. If you’re going to make a mistake (and the stars don’t think that you are), at least it’s your mistake to make. Stay mum about your true motivations for a little bit longer at least.
As you look for the ideal mate, keep in mind that a deep and meaningful friendship should take precedence over a passion that could burn out in a matter of months. Sexual attraction is important, but compatibility is the key to happiness.
Get creative with your environment today. Maybe that means getting into the garden. Maybe it means pruning bushes. Maybe you should do it together.
Focusing on one issue at a time is your best chance of getting anything accomplished today. If you let too many thoughts swirl around at once, you’ll only thwart your best intentions. Don’t let yourself get greedy.