Cancer Daily Forecast

If you are feeling more thrifty and conservative than usual, that’s a very good thing! It will make saving more money a lot less painful for you, and saving more money is something you should be focusing on right now. Make the most of this phase. Jump to it, and put your money away someplace where it can work for you. Even if you just put it in a savings account, it will do better there than in your pocket. You’ll find a good use for the money later. A very, very good use.
Feeling close to someone is wonderful, but avoid being too possessive. When you loosen your hold a bit, the other person could come back to you even stronger.
If you find yourself flirting a little shamelessly today and your partner is visibly upset, then cool it. There’s no reason to have fun at their expense. They’re extra sensitive today.
You’re eager to start on your new plan. Well, maybe more where making money is concerned and less where food is involved. But rushing headlong into things would be a big mistake. Slow down and cover all the details, even if it seems like it will drive you mad to do so.