Cancer Daily Forecast

Not so fast! Your buying habits are getting a bit too impulsive, and if left unchecked, they could lead to you making a bigger financial commitment than you’re ready for. Be very wary of installment situations in which you’re asked to pay a certain amount over a length of time. If you need to buy things, use cash. Delaying your payment won’t benefit you in the end. Debt is something to avoid much more consciously, and living a “cash only” existence, at least for a while, should help.
Work may be all-encompassing this morning, but just wait until later in the day. Your mind will definitely turn to more intriguing matters. And wherever you head tonight, everyone will want to follow.
Beating around the bush won’t get you far with your partner. Explain your relationship expectations and boundaries clearly to prevent future misunderstandings. Be frank and open, and your partner will thank you.
Don’t let anyone pressure you into skipping important steps. The entire equation will be off if even one figure is. Coworkers might not have ulterior motives but the result will be the same if you let their off-task behavior affect you.