Cancer Daily Forecast

We all get chances to shine in the eyes of the authority figures whose decisions can either make or break our careers, but those chances don’t come along all that often. One of those rare opportunities is on its way to you right now, so make sure those world famous antennae of yours are operating on high and that you’re not distracted by anyone or anything. That said, congratulations will soon be in order.
Sex with the ex sounds great until the reality of it sinks in. Nothing will take you back to the bad stuff like hopping in the sack with a wayward lover. If you do, be ready for a nasty flashback that might take a while to recover from.
If you’ve been meaning to bring up a sensitive subject to your partner, now is the time to do it. Chances are good that you’ll get a positive response. Your partner might need to mull it over for a few days, but they’ll come around.
Your car is not a reflection of who you are. You know that. And yet you can’t help but wonder if it’s communicating something about you to others. You’d be foolish to go near a dealership in the state of doubt you’re allowing yourself to operate in today.