Cancer Daily Forecast

Why are you so determined that your way is the right way? The first thing on your to-do list should be to stop being critical of other people’s ideas and opinions. There is a definite gray area here, so don’t make your decision based strictly on your observations. Stop what you’re doing, let go of some of your control issues, and open your mind to other possibilities. When all is said and done, you will look back at the results and wonder why you ever wanted to keep such a firm grip in the first place.
Today is all about regaining your balance between work and play, spirit and body, new beginnings and routine maintenance. Once you achieve that equilibrium, everything falls into place beautifully.
You do so much for your partner, now it’s time to do something just for you. Treat yourself to a long soak in a bubble bath, or buy yourself some flowers just because. You deserve to feel wonderful.
You might think it’s a good time for navel-gazing or being otherwise self-indulgent, but the opposite is true. The time and attention you spend on others comes back to you ten fold, as does the money.