Daily Forecast Cancer 07-20


Cancer Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

The many different options for your day are all laid out in front of you this morning, and the choice is yours. Do you want a big, bold day or a safe, mild one? Follow your mood and go from there. Make no apologies for choosing the easier, less ambitious path if that’s what you want. But whichever you choose, make sure you follow through. Keep your head down, do what needs to be done, and don’t get obsessed with looking at the clock. It will be too distracting.

Singles Lovescope

All of a sudden your love life is taking up all your time and attention. You’ve been struck by an arrow from Cupid. Everywhere you look there are little hearts floating around in the air.

Couple Lovescope

Your search for honesty in this relationship yields results. If you’re totally truthful with yourself, you’ll see that those results are both more and less than you expected. The question now is, is it enough?


Too many thoughts and not enough action make for a dull person. Spend the day doing things that are both active and exciting. Let yourself feel good until you’re on the verge of being overwhelmed.



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