Cancer Daily Forecast

If you haven’t learned this romantic lesson yet, the stars are about to make you write it on the chalkboard a hundred times now to drill it into your head. It’s time to speak up for yourself in relationships and not ignore your needs. Aren’t you tired of being “nice” and “good” to get someone to love you? Wouldn’t you rather be your own honest, funny, intelligent self and be loved for that? How liberating! Uncomplicate a romance and level with your partner.
Flirt much? Why not? You’ve got a winning way with words, not to mention contagious laughter, smoldering looks, and touches that are full of all sorts of implications!
How extreme are you? Adding dazzle to your couple time with exciting plans paragliding or mechanical-bull riding sounds fun, but don’t overdo it.
Cold logic is just that, cold. But it’s also — well, logical. Just how you handle the two could make or break a long term relationship, your run of luck or the bank, so do your best.