Cancer Daily Forecast

Your family obligations are at the center of your world right now, and that is as it should be. But they could be causing a few conflicts in your social life, so let everyone know about it. Explain the situation to your friends honestly and completely. Don’t leave out any details that you think aren’t important. All the information is relevant. Your friends also have families and will understand why you’re reorganizing your priorities.
Take care of yourself. You want to be healthy and full of energy for when that next great relationship comes into your life. Eat right and get more exercise!
That mad urge to go to Tahiti? Why not indulge it just this once? Okay, you don’t have to really pick up and go, but at least you two can start researching plane tickets and places to stay. What’s the harm in that?
Should you even bother trying to make a buck? There’s nothing going on and it’s not hard to figure out why. Everyone is planning on putting their money where their mouths are, literally.