Daily Forecast Capricorn 01-12


Capricorn Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Your luck hasn’t gone anywhere just yet. In fact, since the universe has decided to grant you an amazing dose of intuition in addition to all your other gifts, you won’t believe just how fortunate you’ll be and in how many categories. So, when something at the back of your brain starts tugging at you trying to get you to listen, think of it as an alarm of sorts alerting you that you really are supposed to pay attention.

Singles Lovescope

Personal discoveries are part of the process, and that’s why it’s really important to record the journey. Keep a journal and chronicle this time in your life. Years from now you’ll enjoy reading about your exploits.

Couple Lovescope

If you feel like your life is cluttered with too much stuff, it’s time to do away with things that are no longer working for you. Work with your partner to determine what can stay and what has to go.


Something makes you want to shout. Whether it’s in anger or for joy depends on how you handle your money today. Even something simple and cosmetic can make or break a financial deal. You and your emotional response are hanging in the balance.



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Forecasts at HoroscopeLive.net are for entertainment only. They should not be considered professional advice. Astrology offers perspective, not predictions. Make decisions based on personal wisdom.


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