Capricorn Daily Forecast
The day’s weird interpersonal energy could lead you and your friends to some serious miscommunications. Watch out for arguments that would better be avoided. Instead of getting into the contradiction game that is so unnecessary and time-consuming, make sure that you’re as clear as can be. If you sense any ambiguity, make sure to follow up immediately. If you’re not sure they understood you, ask. You’ll save yourself a whole lot of trouble.
Thank the stars you’re so darn dependable. That’s what draws everyone toward you, but for once in your life, stop being the savior. Allow yourself a taste of irresponsibility for once. You’ll definitely meet someone who compliments your personality when you cut loose.
Let loose rather than hold back. If there’s something on your mind, tell your partner what it is, or you’ll just end up feeling more tense. They might be able to help with your problem.
It’s a great day for some things, like romance or cooking, but not for others, like raising money or paying bills. Unfortunately your financial issues are urgent. Figure out how you can shift the former to the latter.