Capricorn Daily Forecast
You can be tight with money all you want, but you should never be tight with your time! If someone needs a few dollars, it’s perfectly fine to tell them you aren’t in a position to help them out right now. They will totally understand. But if they need a few hours of your time, do whatever you can to give it to them. Even if you would rather be off by yourself, right now you need to be with your friends whenever they need you. Show them that you are responsive to their needs.
Do you look forward to going to work just to see that cutie on the train? Today’s the day to stop dreaming and introduce yourself. Chances are they’ve been checking you out too! Gather your courage and say hi.
Working and living together may seem like the ultimate goal, but be careful what you wish for. There’s something to be said for having time away from each other.
Life would be too easy if wanting something badly was all it took to get it. You’re too old to believe in the power of your own desires, but you should still believe in the power of your intuition. Use it to help you reel in your target of the day.