Capricorn Daily Forecast
You need a plan, and the right ideas just aren’t coming to you. Don’t panic. Call in an expert in the area, namely one of your friends who is as resourceful and determined as you usually are. Two heads are definitely better than one. They’ll bring some additional information to the picture that you haven’t yet thought of, prompting some forward motion in your own brain. Be ready to do them a big favor as well.
Keep your eyes open and ready to spot changes in your local environment. Plenty of opportunities are coming your way soon, but they won’t show up in obvious places. You have to do quite a bit of legwork to ferret them out.
There’s a lot going on in your life right now, and while you’re a master multitasker, you may feel like you need a break. Plan a mellow evening with your partner and feel all the stress melt away.
Certain people really know how to get you to spend your money. You’ll recognize them by their insatiable need to make chitchat, among other things. If you want to weed them out, force them to cut to the chase. You’ll save yourself a pretty penny in the process.