Capricorn Daily Forecast

Life is working out just fine at the moment, and you’re ready to celebrate. Now, when things go along this well, it’s usually because two particular categories are as close to perfect as possible, and those categories are love and money. If that’s the case, how about letting everybody else in on your secret? The rest of the planet would just love to know how to get both those departments working so well at the same time.
Your trademark quickness and charm make you irresistible, but those same qualities mean you easily lose interest in your new prospects. Be gentle with them as you send them on out.
You’re going to get a stroke of good luck that helps you please your partner immensely. Don’t be shy about taking full credit. They don’t need to know that it’s all thanks to fate.
Finances might get in the way of what you want to do but emotions shouldn’t. Fear, doubt, inadequacy — these are all part of a phase. Stop thinking. Just do it.