Capricorn Daily Forecast

Inspiration could flood you today. Enjoy having your curiosity tickled and excited. You’re extremely open to new ideas right now, so why not try a few new things? If you’re shopping for a new outfit, try a look that you wouldn’t normally go for. If you’re planning a meal, pick out some exotic ingredients. If you’re searching for a place for a date, skip the standard locales. There’s no telling what you can come up with once you start working with unfamiliar materials and tools.
You’re interacting well with others now, so things are a breeze and lots of fun. Keep up that great momentum by asking questions and showing interest in others. You innately know that people love talking about themselves, which makes you such a great conversationalist.
Sometimes the most charming thing you can do is let your certain someone be the charmer. Offer up the limelight, and shine some extra lovelight on ’em too. They’ll look extra enticing!
Going over all the details now will save you some money in the future, as well as some heartache. If anyone is not on the same page as you, it’s best to weed them out sooner rather than later, before you’re any more financially and emotionally enmeshed.