Daily Forecast Capricorn 05-13


Capricorn Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

A new person is interested in getting to know you better, though they don’t quite know how to communicate that effectively. In fact, their cool attitude has been sending you the wrong message entirely! They’ve been aloof when what they really want is to connect with you. If you’re interested, it’s up to you to make the first move. Don’t worry about rejection. Just give them a chance to have a conversation with you. If they take it, good. If they don’t, at least they had their chance!

Singles Lovescope

Don’t let yourself get too bogged down with details — the pursuit of romance is supposed to be fun! If you find yourself feeling stressed about, stop what you’re doing and try a different approach.

Couple Lovescope

Romance is on your mind today, and you’ll want to make sure it’s on your partner’s mind, too! Start the day with gentle flirting and build up to a more passionate expression of your feelings.


You’re tempted to stick your head in the sand. Recognize the symptoms before they get the better of you. When things around the home start looking appealing, you know it’s time to start making some business calls.



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