Capricorn Daily Forecast

Fascinating detours threaten to sidetrack you at the moment. Don’t let those sparkly lights and loud noises distract you from the road. If you can bring yourself to buckle down to the existing tasks at hand, you can accomplish a great deal now. And afterward, one of those alluring detours will still be available. So buckle yourself in and go for a ride. Don’t forget to bring your favorite pal along with you.
Money’s probably on your mind more than matters of the heart, but you should still strive to have a fun. It doesn’t cost anything to take a walk or ride a bike!
Sometimes it feels as if life is moving a little too fast, especially when all you and your partner want is some time together. If you exercise your creativity, you can find a way to get it done and be together too.
It’s a whole new ballgame, for you and everyone else in your boat. Looking at it as an adventure is a must-have for you and anyone who wants to join you. If others aren’t on board with your attitude, then start taking independent action.