Capricorn Daily Forecast

Turn your attentions toward resolving unfinished business today. Is there a project you left half finished? Is someone waiting to hear from you? Is there an errand you need to run? Get to it as soon as you can. Minor mistakes could turn into major headaches if you’re not careful. Don’t be shy. You need to come out of your shell and make as many calls as it takes to reconnect with the people you need to speak with. You’ll be glad you went through all the effort.
Empathy means quite a bit to someone special who is having a rotten day. Cheer them up with gentle humor, or take on a long hike to distract them from their self-pity. It will cheer you up too!
Before you push your latest, greatest romantic agenda, give a bit more thought to what your partner’s perspective on it might be. Maybe there’s a way to subtly introduce the topic and feel them out.
You are a salesman’s dream come true, but you should be their worst nightmare instead. Don’t just buy based on what they tell you, especially when a lot of money is involved. Shopping around is a must, even if it goes against your hasty nature.