Capricorn Daily Forecast

Some romances start with an intellectual connection, some start with a chemical reaction, and some start just because they’re convenient. If you’re in a relationship, look back at how it all began, then make an effort to rediscover that connection. If you’re not in a relationship, you can start one if you focus on finding someone who shares your ideals. Volunteering is a great shortcut to finding this certain someone.
Broaden your online searches. Join as many sites and boards that seem interesting as you can. Don’t be afraid to come up with wild, wacky profiles. You should attract the right kinds of prospects.
Grab a hammer and start redecorating your pad. Turn to your sweetie for home repair help and decor suggestions. Make it a place you both can relax in.
The equation you work by is too limited. You’re not in it for fun, but not everything should be strictly for gain either. Don’t forget generosity and plain, old fashioned kindness. The difference is exponential.