Capricorn Daily Forecast

After one more day of wishing you could just crawl under a rock and disappear because you just don’t want to deal with a certain person’s nonsense any longer, you’ll be ready to come out. Big time. You’ll be so ready to come out you’ll be unwilling to hide anything you’re feeling. Anything at all. So heaven help anyone who tries to stifle you. That temper of yours is just waiting to rear its ugly head.
While you’re all heart, the way to that particular organ now is through your brain. Anybody who impresses you with their smarts has a definite shot at reaching the rest of you, so open up!
Stop trying to talk yourself out of your emotions. You want to be logical, but your feelings count as evidence too. Stay calm while you’re explaining what’s been going on to your sweetheart. You’ll soon work it out.
You can hardly remember to relax, even though that’s the best way to prepare for what might be coming next. Children won’t let you and you wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s not often you get to have such a thoroughly good time for free.