Capricorn Daily Forecast
Don’t be afraid to look for (and find) mistakes in your work. After all, isn’t it better to discover something yourself that you did wrong rather than have your boss or teacher discover it? Sure, it might require more energy and time to proof or double-check something, but instigating a positive change is always worth the extra effort. You need to build a reputation as someone who gets it right, not just someone who just gets it done on time.
Don’t let feel down because you’re short of funds. There’s plenty to do for free, and you can entertain yourself for a week without spending a dime. Make it your goal today to figure out how.
Hardworking couples have difficulty knowing when to take a break and just have some purposeless, goofy fun. Your relationship is no exception. Learn to relax.
Everyone you meet is impressed with you in at least some small way, so be sure you remember to press the flesh today. Even strangers have the capacity to help you in some important way. The entire day’s focus should be networking.