Capricorn Daily Forecast

Taking the lead in a confusing situation will win you big points today, so don’t shy away from giving out orders or delegating tasks in a group. Believe it or not, if you just speak your mind with enough conviction, others will agree with you! The tone of your voice will command respect and earn their cooperation. You’re emerging as a person to watch, and you should use your increasingly high profile to your advantage. Work it!
Your love life might not exactly be on fire right now, but you’ve got some other relationships to deal with and keep building up as well. Shower affection on those close to you.
It takes two to make a relationship work, and right now you are in a good position to make sure that your contribution is as strong as it can be. Take a big step forward and see whether sweetie does the same.
You could never say I Told You So to enough people to set the world right. Why even bother trying. Preaching won’t get you far even to a small audience, so preach to the choir by focusing on your own finances instead.