Capricorn Daily Forecast

If you’re just starting to get back into a relationship that has been on hold, you might wonder if going back is the right decision. Things might have changed a lot more than you realized, and it could feel like you two might not make it. But you should give this thing some more time. It’s way too soon to make such a drastic decision. Have a talk with the other person involved and see what they think. You’re probably on the same page.
You need to be out in the world, mixing it up. When you’re on a roll, you can’t be stopped. This social energy should catch the eye of someone who’s never really seen this side of you.
Find ways to express yourself creatively. Try a new way of doing an everyday task. Find a new way to show your feelings for your partner. You can tell them in words or demonstrate!
Getting one jolt after another is finally teaching you a lesson. You don’t need to be told this anymore, but your risks won’t pay off today. Enjoy playing it safe.