Capricorn Daily Forecast
Jump right in to an intimidating situation today — and prove to yourself that you can do whatever you decide to do. You should immediately take control — don’t worry, no one around you is going to mind. In fact, a lot of people are curious to hear what you have to say. They have been talking about you and are quite eager to see what you can accomplish. So why not show them? You will be very glad you took the chance — and took the control.
When everything is swirling out of control, it helps to treat yourself to some old-school comfort food. Chill and make a good dinner. Stream a movie and relax. Romance can wait.
Your feelings for your partner are so intense that you may have trouble concentrating on anything but your evening plans. Tell them what you have in mind and let the passion build.
You’re too old to be blaming others for your mistakes. Getting swept up in the frenzy of the moment is no excuse. Others may have led you into a financial mess but you’re the only one who can get yourself out of it.