Capricorn Daily Forecast
Negative energy has been growing in your circle, and today it will still be unclear as to what you can do to fix it. You need to stop examining the tension so closely and try to put it out of your mind. Let this problem unravel. A solution will reveal itself in time. The issue might even blow over soon and you’ll never even know what the deal was. You’ll just sense that the negativity has gone and that everyone is smiling and happy with each other again. And that’s good enough, right?
If you’re preparing to meet someone for the first time, choose a neutral spot. Don’t chance running into pals or an ex. This one could stand a chance of getting off the ground, so don’t blow it for the sake of being seen.
If you find yourself needing a shift in perspective, then figure out how to get one. Neither you nor your partner will benefit by you going over and over the same thing in the same old tired way.
If you think you can’t make do with what you have, then take a better look around you. You have plenty of material. There may be no such thing as a free lunch but does it count if you treat yourself to something homemade? No need to be conservative, either. Go hog wild.