Capricorn Daily Forecast
You could be busy getting new things started that it’s difficult to step back for a minute and relax. But you need to quiet things down before you drain all your energy. Give yourself a break later in the day. Make sure there’s time to just sit around and do nothing. Resist the urge to fill up your free time for the sake of getting ahead on a project. You’re doing fine on your current timetable, so don’t get carried away.
An old flame might try to convince you to let bygones by bygones and try again at romance. Even though you’d love to rewrite a happen ending on the past, it’s healthy to question the motives involved.
Maybe your partner has made some other plans. If that’s the case, cut them a little slack. After all, you can’t spend every moment of every day together. That’s no way to keep the love alive.
You’re the first one to notice a glaring mistake. How you bring that to the attention of others makes all the difference in the world. You don’t want to be shot simply for being the messenger. On the other hand, you could win more than just points by making it obvious.