Capricorn Daily Forecast
Your curiosity might be getting the better of you right now. Your quest to know all the answers all the time has led you down a path that just might be a dead-end street. So, why ask why? Probing into every little mystery will only give the mystery power over you. Don’t try to figure out why things are happening the way they are. Don’t try to get to the bottom of the gossip. Just roll with the punches and get comfortable with life’s ambiguities.
If you’re not feeling strongly about a certain new romantic possibility now, you’re probably not going to feel much differently in the future. Why waste time?
You’re feeling pretty good today, and you’re definitely ready to talk things over with your partner. You may want to keep the discussion cerebral, but it’s hard to say what they’ll want.
When numbers are blurry, you know something is wrong. They should be crystal clear. Don’t let anyone convince you that they can’t help but be vague. Demand an explanation.