Capricorn Daily Forecast
It’s very important that you pay attention to one key fact now: You can quite literally have anything you want. That’s the easy part. What might be tough is the part that involves you dealing with it once you have it. Sound vaguely like that old warning about being careful what you wish for — because you might get it? Well, it should. That’s exactly the line you’re walking. Tread gently, and look both ways before you cross.
There’s some passionate energy in the air. Could your romantic life use a boost? Break up your routine and do something spontaneous and unexpected!
You’ve got an itch, but darned if you know how to scratch it. The fact is you want a little change of pace, but you’re not quite sure whether to speed things up or slow them down. No decisions have to be made right now.
It’s your turn to be selfish. There’s a host of distractions parading down the street, and making money is the last thing on your mind for a change. Be a good fish and let yourself off the hook.