Capricorn Daily Forecast

If a friend or coworker’s bewildering behavior is frustrating you, talk to them about it! There could be something going on that you need to know about. Of course, there also could be something going on that is none of your business, but that doesn’t matter. What matters is that you make it known that you’re noticing how they’re acting, and you’re concerned. Patience may be required in this situation because it could be something they can’t change right away.
Who says you have to be good all the time? Get flirty with someone who can appreciate your sly comments and gorgeous looks. Enjoy your role as seducer for a change!
Right now, this relationship feels a little catch-as-catch-can, but that’s understandable because you’ve both had so much on your plates. When you get more breathing room, banish the phones and focus on each other.
A certificate or diploma isn’t what makes learning valuable, although that wisdom can get lost in the shuffle. Do it for the sheer enjoyment, even if it seems like throwing money to the wind.