Capricorn Daily Forecast

Letting your mind be quiet has encouraged all sorts of brilliant new ideas to germinate inside your head, and today they start to sprout. What they have in store for you is quite beautiful, so pay attention to what begins to develop. The crazier the notion, the more likely it will be successful, so listen to yourself. Don’t edit or pare down at all. Follow wherever curiosity leads you, and sparkling inspiration will greet you.
You can live life to the absolute fullest now, and that definitely includes the realm of romance. A body at rest stays at rest, while a body in motion keeps on going. Get moving!
Admit it. Sometimes you get a little bit lazy about doing some of the things your partner asks you to do. If it’s important to them, you’re going to have to be a bit more disciplined. You can’t just do things that please you!
Being conscientious and disciplined may not seem glamorous but someone thinks they are your most attractive qualities. Keep on taking care of business and being responsible — it’s working for you.