Capricorn Daily Forecast

You can’t disqualify someone’s opinion just because it doesn’t match yours. What’s the point of having everyone agree with you all the time? It’s no fun to be surrounded by people who only go along with everything you say. Don’t be too dogmatic in your beliefs, and be open to hearing the other side of the argument. You don’t have to change your opinions, but listening to different perspectives will only enrich you. Of course, it might frustrate you, too, but it keeps life interesting.
Relaxation and even a little fun are in the stars, if you can just find a way to shoehorn them into your busy day. And once you relax and the fun starts, you’ll feel your heart open right up.
What happens next is in your hands. If your significant other says that something isn’t working for them, you can sulk and pout or you can talk about ways to improve it. It’s pretty simple, really.
You’d have to be a fool to take your financial changes personally, and yet you can’t help but blame yourself. Your sense of responsibility is right on the money. It puts you in the strongest possible position to recoup.