Capricorn Daily Forecast
You have a great deal of patience today, which will help you tolerate some pretty controversial people no one else can stand. You can help people see each other’s point of view more clearly and come to better decisions more quickly. You could be put in charge of a lot of work today, but the additional responsibility could open the door to major opportunities, so try to see the good before you react to the bad.
You’re a fun person to be around. The people who really want to have a good time will seek you out. And, of course, you won’t disappoint. You’ll remember these times for years.
This issue doesn’t have to be resolved right away. In fact, it’s better if it isn’t. You and your partner are just barely starting to deal with this situation. An answer is in the works. Give it time.
You’d love to get right down to the business of having fun, but money issues just can’t be put on the back burner. Besides, you’ll enjoy the entire weekend that much more if you address them today.