Daily Forecast Capricorn 11-26


Capricorn Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

There’s a huge difference between being nice and being kind. Usually, being nice involves saying ‘yes’ to too much stuff that you don’t actually want to do in order to get people to like you. Being kind, on the other hand, usually involves thinking independently and long-term, and saying ‘no’ to things when you know they’re just going to be more trouble for everyone in the future. You need to make the distinction soon.

Singles Lovescope

Not every detail of your life needs to be discussed with your pals. In fact, you don’t need to say anything that makes you uncomfortable. Proceed with your own life. You’re an adult now.

Couple Lovescope

You may feel a wee bit neglected or unappreciated, but it’s not a good time to push it. If anything, waiting it out will bring what you’re looking for that much quicker. Patience is today’s virtue.


Maintaining the status quo is unrealistic. But change isn’t as bad as you’re making it out to be, either. Once all the inner chatter dies down, you’ll be able to focus on the present and plan for the future.



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