Daily Forecast Capricorn 12-04


Capricorn Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

A compromise you made a few days ago is starting to bug you. You may be feeling like you were manipulated. Coming to the realization that you were controlled by someone else is not a good feeling, but before you confront them about it, ask someone for advice. Tell them the story and see what they say. Make sure you are as objective as you can be, and don’t lead them to any conclusions. You could be extra sensitive now, and you might be jumping to the wrong conclusion.

Singles Lovescope

Stress relief shouldn’t come in the form of alcohol, overspending, or procrastination. All these tactics will leave you feeling worse than before. If you have a friend with benefits, dial up a booty call. If not, spend some time at the gym.

Couple Lovescope

If you’ve made some promises to your baby in the past, now is the time to keep them. You don’t want to be all talk and no action. Don’t make your partner have to ask you to follow through.


You’re the one who’s calm, cool and collected for a change, even though your reputation is the opposite. When those around you react emotionally, they’ll expect you to fly off the handle, too. You’ll have to disappoint them.



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