Capricorn Daily Forecast
Don’t let your actions be dictated by others’ expectations today. Do whatever you feel is the right thing to do, no matter what anyone else says. Sure, you may be accused of being selfish, but only by narrow-minded people who are acting out of jealousy. And besides, your reputation is strong enough to withstand any complaints from people whose envy is turning them into small-minded poseurs. They’re just jealous that you have the courage to do something truly original.
Don’t let that toxic coworker take advantage of your giving nature. You don’t have time to listen to their complaining today. Set some boundaries around your work space. It’s okay to say you’re busy.
Every relationship is a dance. In this dance, however, you take turns leading and following. It also helps to switch up the routines occasionally. And, oh yeah — strut your stuff in front of a crowd every now and then.
Take time analyzing financial issues. You might be tempted to start hording, but that would be jumping the gun. You still have plenty of resources, even if the splurge money is dwindling.